Hevik Riding Suit by GIVI

When initially asked to wear and review this suit on my recent Thailand ride I was a bit reluctant at first. Whilst the company are market leaders in their extensive luggage range and have been popular with wet and cold climate gear I seen this set specific to hot climate as a movement sideways to some extent. With no opportunity to test it here I didn’t want to be stuck with something I wasn’t comfortable with. Even my LS2 Alba Man jacket though wasn’t going to be adequate through the Snowy Mountains in Australia to and from the Phillip Island GP first up so I would freeze in this was my concern. As it turned out the perfect opportunity to test the LS2 Bullet Man which I will also review soon then this for Northern Thailand. Still had the Bullet Man in the South though and at around 36 degrees C was sweltering so this was a welcome hot climate relief I must say. 

Before I left I had a chance to try the sample pre production unit for size and fit. While the pants were perfect the jacket was simply too short. They went back to the factory and made me another one 100mm longer and it was spot on. So my first recommendation is to change to that jacket length, production standard. There is a commit from GIVI though to adjust free of charge to fit. 

Not sure I really wanted to like this too much as been very happy with my LS2 Alba Man for most conditions here and recommended hundreds to friends and customers over the last few years. It is very good though I must say for the conditions I was in which were very similar to most Vietnam rides if timed correctly in the various regions.

The suits safety tested and certified honeycomb style padding and by comparison to most very open weave breathing panels was very comfortable and easy to live with. There are loops off the ends of the jacket sleeves to hook your thumb through before fitting your gloves to minimize the likelihood of the sleeve riding up in the event of a slide. I thought this would annoy me but didn’t at all. Good inclusion in my opinion. There is also elastic shoulder straps presumably for the same purpose but overkill and I doubt very effective if at all. Good for getting hooked around your watch trying to get the jacket off. I will cut them out of mine and should be left out of the production run in my opinion.

I would like to see a zip in the sleeves for ease of fit and removal but that may be seen as a compromise of integrity. If so I can live with it. The pocket or “pouch” on the lower back though I didn’t use it might be handy for day rides to throw in waterproofs if not carrying luggage. Can’t see me ever using it though. 

Overall I must say I was very comfortable both wearing it and with it’s material and tailor quality. I feel particularly in the hotter months it will be my go to here for those reasons. 

It sits around mid range in the market, price point wise and I think will be very popular with hot climate touring motorcyclists.

There are five colour options. Black and Grey pictured we will stock in all sizes S-3XL. Two blue options and Black with red stitch will be by order.

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