Vung Tau - Bao Loc

Distance: 300 kms

Day one out of Vung Tau is just so much nicer than out of Ho Chi Minh City. We start off along the coast rather than having to battle the city traffic. Some weekend tourist traffic along this stretch but very quiet weekdays.

(A & B) get you the best way out then,

(C & D) take you for a look through an interesting fishing village.

The road leaves the absolute coast then a little and some heavy vehicles to be aware of until you get to

(E) on the map which is a great coffee stop on the water. Fully renovated now so this quaint little bar no longer.

Go easy speed wise into and out of Lagi. The traffic police in this area are rather dedicated.

Once you cross the A1 its game on though to your night destination really.

Note: In the first 5km after you cross the expressway there is often cattle on the road.

Good consistent hot mix. Fast open sweepers early then tightens up in the mountains. If you’re scratching the pegs here you won’t anywhere. One of my favourites in the South.

(F) missing this detour will cut your day by 15 km but a great lunch and swim spot.

(G) The first lake is worth the short detour but the road into the dam wall is sometimes closed of late.

(H) on the map is a detour 10 km each way and really worth doing if you have the time. Some great photo stops around a very picturesque lake system.

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