Quy Nhon - Mang Den

Distance: 285 kms

Quy Nhon is the best beach city in Vietnam in my opinion. A beautiful beach with a well kept parkland to accompany it. This is the dawn not to miss. From first light it is a vibrant area as the local dance groups, elderly and young alike exercise and swim in the dawn. I’m most often the only Westerner there and by 6.30am it’s all over. Get at it!

The map reads at 283 km but it’s only that if you want it to be. There’s a few detours that add nearly 80km. The longest is to check out a couple of lakes that you can decide on depending on time. Once you turn onto Truong Son Dong it gets quite isolated and you’ll make good time. Make sure you are fueled up and take water. Not much in the way of services through there but a cracking ride. The hotmix when you turn left to Mang Den is the best in the country.

(A) is a Buddhist Temple

(B) a hydro dam wall
(C) is the airstrip back in the supply trail days
(D) to check out the Vinh Son Lakes
(E) the Kon Chu Rang rangers station
(F) there is bottle fuel and cold refreshments
(G) a great little coffee shop ++
(H) Mang Den is a unique village in Vietnam and the Dak Ke Lake makes a nice morning walk.

(I) is a hidden gem. My favourite place to stay but book early. Not too many rooms.

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