Khe Sanh - Da Nang

Distance: 100 kms

A reasonable day distance wise but very quiet roads so you’ll hold good average speed. If getting away a bit late or not keen for an early swim or Hamburger Hill delete (A & C). Will drop 20k’s and at least an hour off your time, two if you climb.

(A) An early swim spot and (B) just landmark photo stops really.

(C) Hamburger Hill is quite a climb and as I now understand it you are supposed to have a guide although I did it by myself. Take water if tackling this.

(D-G) Is a 70km section of motorcycling heaven. Strategically marked points for photography and rest stops if you can resist staying in the rhythm.

(E) Is a tunnel around 20 km into this and by myself in 2019, riding rather spiritedly I encountered this King Cobra crossing the road. Just missed his tail and went back for this grainy shot of him in the drain, not very happy with me.

(H) If you’re going okay for time is a swimming spot

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