Da Nang - Quy Nhon

Distance: 340 kms

From one to the other of my favourite coastal cities to enjoy the dawn in the country. I don’t do this coast run too often as the inland options over three days usually lure me but a nice change if in a hurry to get home. 

This is a big day distance wise but it really isn’t too much time wise. You make far better time on the coast than in the mountains but get an early start in any case to enjoy the beaches along the way.

Mapped this right out the other side of Quy Nhon to Casa Marina but plenty of great accommodation options in town.

Along the way plenty of local seafood restaurants on the beach. Much prefer one of them than going into Quang Ngai for lunch but it’s easy to go off map slightly if you’d like to check that out.

Some of the beaches along this coastline are stunning. A few breaks through the day for a cool drink or a swim well worth it.

This beach below is right out the front of the Dankbaar Resort and the Sports Bar. Anywhere you stay in Quy Nhon is beautiful. My favourite beach town in Vietnam and the area where I will likely retire.

An early riser here is rewarded by a fantastic vibe in the park and on the beach for the dawn over the ocean. A great start to the day.

The way points today are significant in keeping you off the A1 as much as possible and getting you into some good nooks. Some beach riding also if on the right bike. Getting on is okay but getting off can be a challenge. I haven’t mapped any of that as beaches change so quickly so hard to give reliable up to date advice.

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