Whale Island - Quy Nhon

Distance: 185 kms

The coast ride today has some pleasant sections with exceptional coastal views but also some unavoidable stretches on the A1 so you need to be mindful of heavy vehicles on those sections. Not a big day distance wise and due to the higher speeds on the highway sections you’ll cover the distance easily so plenty of time to enjoy the stops and lunch. Some of the country’s most picturesque coastline so take your time. 

(A) don’t miss this. Well worth the short detour and walk out to the lighthouse. Take water, it’s further than you think.

(B) is this very nicely constructed monument on the beach.

(C) is my recommendation for lunch if fresh seafood appeals to you. Many restaurants are on the water and haven’t found a bad one yet.

(D) plenty of great coastline and farmland to enjoy.

(G) At the top plenty of ladies selling souvenirs, snacks and drinks. A favourite early ride of mine for a Cafe Sua Da.

(E) Vietnam’s longest wooden bridge. I’ve been over it many times but its condition varies. Won’t be for everyone and there will be a small fee at the other end. Easy to go around the road if you opt out.

(F & G) are two of the many hotels and food options attached

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