Dong Van - Meo Vac

Distance: 120 kms

This is the best riding day in Vietnam in many ways. Interesting, challenging in places, and just beautiful. Not a long day but it will take time. If continuing through to Cao Bang get away early.

This is a memorable day ride full of panoramic city and ocean views. To get away at dawn is very special on the right day.

(A) Lung Cu Flag Pole is a box tick that is well worth doing if you bypassed it yesterday.

The stretch into (B) is a fantastic narrow wind that doesn’t go anywhere in particular. To some chickens in someone’s yard actually. Challenging but not dangerous and great views.

(C) This monument is in memory of the lives lost in the building of the happiness road. Right next to the entry to the skypass.

This next section is together with the ‘Dragon Spine’ at Ta Xua the most potentially dangerous rides here. If in doubt, delete (D & E) and stay on the main road. In 2023 they didn’t let me up there so might not even be an option any longer.

(D) to (E) extends right through to the main road though Google doesn’t show it. This is an awesome ride. The views are magnificent but in places not for the faint hearted. It isn’t technical but you need a clear head. A mistake in the wrong place could be rather final. If not riding it consider walking to the view point.

This photo I took from the top of a sketchy side path I took off the ‘Skypass’ a few years ago. One of my absolute favourite shots and one very few would have.

(F) Once back on the main road the Panorama Cafe is a good spot for a break. The views from there are also epic.

(H) This bypass anyone can safely do and should do. Sealed, wider and awesome. There’s a few view points but keep at it until these boys in green tell you you’re close enough to China.

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