Ta Dung - Dalat

Distance: 100 kms

Ta Dung is most often a lunch stop for me as it’s ideally located for that with great roads around it to and from numerous night stops. If with a partner particularly, a great night stay also. Beds aren’t amazing but food and views make up for that.

A short day to Dalat so plenty of time to take in the lakes system you follow early.

(A) From this point you’ll see some fire spotter towers. Good photos from up above the lake system if you don’t have a drone. Pretty tight through here and trucks will sometimes throw gravel onto corners so mindful of that.

(B & C) Cafes I use. Coffee is better in the first, the view, better the second.

After the lakes it’s farmland on an even better road surface. The gravel is gone and it opens up so if on a big banger its game on. Why anyone takes main arterials to Dalat is beyond me.

(D) another of many great viewpoints along this stretch. The girls seem to like it.

(E & F) Waterfalls. The first worth the detour particularly in wet season the second climb up into the statue for great countryside views if you’re feeling fit. The base is worth a look in any case and around it the best view to the waterfall.

(G) a good detour to a mechanics workshop if any bike tweaks are necessary. Also a Cafe with great food.

(H) a unique accommodation option well located but a plethora of choices in Dalat so worth a Bookings search for a bargain.

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